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Sandays är ett svenskt varumärke som tillverkar handgjorda kvalitetsskor från Italien. I början av 2013 planterade sig en idé i grundaren Marcus huvud om att tillverka dem bästa skorna som pengar kan köpa. Läs hans egna ord om varumärket nedanför!
The idea of Sandays came to me in early 2013. Honestly I never wanted to change the world of shoes, I simply wanted to create the best footwear that money could buy. How hard could that be? Well, very hard! It would take me one year, a one-way ticket to Italy and a shit ton of planning before I finally in May 2014 had a pair of Sandays in my hands.
If you ask me I think Italy is the best place on earth to produce quality footwear and they are also known for it.
After spending far too many hours looking for the right factory I accidentally ran into this crazy Italian man named Roberto. I knew he was working within the shoe industry in Italy and I figured that if someone could help me, it had to be him – Especially since “everything is better in Italy”. According to Roberto, it would be a walk in the park to produce the first set of samples, and who was I to disagree?
Two weeks later I got a package delivered to my office back home in Gothenburg, and in that package was the first pair of Sandays ever made. Is it OK to cry over a pair of sneakers? Cause that totally happened.
I might have had a bit of an adrenaline rush when booked my one-way ticket to Italy to go after the factory that created these perfect pair of shoes. I knew Roberto told me that the factory would never work with such a small company as mine, but then again Roberto didn’t own the factory. It took me two weeks of intense pitching before the real owners realized that this was something bigger than just another pair of sneakers, and we started work togheter. If you think Sandays is a big brand owned by a bigger company you are wrong, still today I do all of Sandays design, selling, distribution you name it.
I’m beyond proud to say that Sandays are affordable luxury sneakers with orthopedic in-soles, made out of the most well assorted premium materials and production in Italy. I hope you will enjoy your Sandays as much as I do!
Best regards
Marcus J
Founder & owner.